Have any questions? Call (530) 244-4022

Career Exploration

College & Career Options offers a comprehensive career exploration/planning process, including career assessments and an education plan based on the chosen career.  If you are looking for assistance please send us a message, give our office a call (530) 244-4022, or contact Dan Haskins directly.


  • Career advising
  • Comprehensive assessments to determine a student’s:
    • Career interests
    • Personal character traits
    • Personal aptitudes (natural abilities). Learn about careers that match the student’s interests and aptitudes
  • Career research resources
  • Job interview resources and assistance
  • Job shadowing resources and assistance
  • Advising and assistance with developing an educational plan, including:
    • Determining programs and/or majors that match the chosen career
    • Determining colleges/universities and/or trade schools that provide programs/majors for the chosen career
  • Advising and assistance with college applications
  • Advising and assistance with scholarship applications
  • Financial aid services

College & Career Options Free Career Map To Success

In order to be considered for Cal Grant if applicable(www.csac.ca.gov/cal-grants).

As long as you are attending an approved institution you must complete a FAFSA every school year. https://fafsa.ed.gov/

Career Exploration Resources