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Financial Aid

How we help you

College & Career Options personnel offer a wide variety of financial aid services and are available to help you and your family determine how to maximize your potential for financial aid.  All of our services are free of charge for North State families because of generous funding from local foundations. If you are looking for assistance in the area of financial aid, feel free to contact Brad Williams by email at bwilliams@collegeandcareeroptions.org or by phone at 530-768-5103.

If you are looking for any other type of assistance from College & Career Options, please click on this link and send us a message or give our office a call (530) 244-4022.


  • How need based financial aid works
  • How to secure merit based aid
  • An understanding of the 4 types of financial aid
    • Grants                  Free Money
    • Scholarships      Free Money
    • Work Study         Earned Money
    • Loans                    Borrowed Money
  • An understanding of how to secure financial aid from the 3 primary sources
    • Federal Government
    • State Government
    • Schools themselves
  • Assistance in understanding and in filing a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
  • Help in understanding financial aid offers from schools
  • What to do if you do not receive enough financial aid
  • An understanding of the Student Aid Index (SAI) calculation
  • How the Pell Grant works
  • How the Cal Grant works
  • What are the best loans to consider
  • Where to look for scholarships
  • What are considered “special circumstances”
  • Financial aid options for foster youth


Click on each heading to expand the list of available resources in a dropdown menu